
Management Information System

Enhance Strategic Decision-Making with Proactive Insights

Strategic insights needed for risk management, forecasting, sales steering, portfolio analysis, and budgeting processes. Enable proactive decision-making and strategic planning by leveraging historical data, actual business models, and real-time performance metrics.

  • Actual-Target Comparison

    • Track budget adherence and performance against strategic objectives across departments, analysing market trends and exploitation opportunities.
  • Budgeting Processing

    • Implement flexible budgeting approaches, from hierarchy-based to zero-based and rolling forecasts, aligning productions and acquisitions with strategic financial goals.
  • Portfolio Analysis

    • Conduct due diligence and comparative analysis, providing a solid basis for negotiations and strategic decisions.
  • Sales Steering and Monitoring

    • Direct sales strategies based on comprehensive analyses of utilization rates, market gaps, and financial conditions.
  • Forecasting

    • Utilize actual data for reliable cash flow estimations, sales funnel monitoring, and recoupment estimation, ensuring liquidity and informed strategic planning.
  • Risk Management

    • Receive proactive alerts on plan deviations and evaluate performance with real-time data and historical analyses.

Finance Management

Empower Your Finance Management with Comprehensive Integration

Combine advanced features for efficient financial management from acquisition to sales, including budgeting, forecasting, contract management, and profitability analysis. With user-friendly workflows and automated processes, our solution enhances financial oversight across all your operations.

  • Invoicing and Payments Automation

    • Simplify invoicing and payments with automated processes and notifications, streamlining financial transactions.
  • Asset Valuation

    • Manage film stock valuation with options for various depreciation methods (IFRS, US GAAP, etc.), allowing for accurate net book value calculations and comparison with market value for financial reporting.
  • Accruals Management

    • Accurately calculate provisions and manage accruals for precise financial planning and reporting.
  • Capitalization and Revenue Recognition

    • Automate key financial processes, including capitalization and revenue recognition, ensuring accurate financial reporting and compliance.
  • Depreciation

    • Automated events trigger activation (capitalization) and allocate depreciation methods. Comprehensive view of purchase history, net book values, recoupment states, and contribution margins for thorough break-even analysis.
  • Acquisition and Budgeting

    • Streamline acquisition offers and budget management with detailed insights and approval workflows.

Royalties Management and Invoicing

Streamline Your Royalties Management with Automated Precision

Our Royalties Module is meticulously crafted for the media industry, simplifying and tracking royalties, costs, and distribution income.

Tailored to Your Unique Needs
Understanding that each business has its own specific requirements, our system offers customizable features including statement design, template creation and statement frequency, ensuring that your royalty management aligns perfectly with your operational standards.

  • Statement & Invoice Generation

    • Generate statements efficiently and deliver via email or to a portal.
  • Recalculate payments

    • Recalculate payments, handle late sales or retroactive changes, and generate corrected statements.
  • Forecasting

    • Calculate forecasted royalty expenses and evaluate advances or guarantees using a forecasted and actual data.
  • Customizable Statement Formatting

    • Create and adapt statements based on your specifications.
  • Foreign Exchange Rate Conversion

    • Sell, calculate, accrue, invoice, and pay in any currency.
  • API Integration

    • Connect and sync software systems or applications for seamless data exchange.
  • Ad-hoc Reporting

    • Generate customized royalty data reports based on specific criteria.
  • Data Export

    • Robust export capabilities for BI and AI applications, enhancing data analysis and decision making.
  • Broad Rights Coverage

    • Create statements for a wide range of rights, including merchandising, ancillary rights, and format rights, with customizable layouts per licensor.
  • Financial Integration

    • eamless interface with finance systems for direct imports of deductible costs.
  • Versatile Calculation Types

    • Tailored calculations for various stakeholders (licensors, producers, coproducers, rights owners, collecting societies).
    • Handle complex revenue rankings and cross-collateralization.
  • Enhanced Transparency & Legal Compliance

    • Ensure adherence to national laws and regulations while maintaining high levels of transparency and compliance.
  • Advanced Projections

    • Generate projections for future statements and perform interim value calculations essential for accurate accruals and profit analysis.
  • Recoupment status & Comprehensive Calculations

    • From predefined royalty calculations to advanced projections for future statements or recoupment status progression
  • Automated Processes

    • Streamlined processes for statement generation with seamless revenue imports.

Multidimensional Availabilities

Unlock Your Catalogue’s Potential with Dynamic Availability Reports

Maximize your catalogue’s potential with comprehensive, real-time availability reports. From classical rights to VoD specifics, our solution provides a multidimensional overview ensuring every opportunity for monetization is realized.

  • Permissions & Controls

    • Set granular permissions and deal visibility at the user level.

  • Alerts and Warnings

    • Get notified automatically about required actions, changes and expirations.
  • Contact Management

    • Centralize all contact information with transparent option handling.
  • Seamless System Integration

    • Integrate with CRM systems, broadcasting systems, and VoD platforms for cohesive operations.

  • Innovative Product Definition

    • Define new product bundles and formats with ease ensuring your content meets market demands.
    • Managing merchandising and format rights.
  • Pricing and Rights Handling

    •Access precalculated asking prices.
    •Utilize web portals for efficient pick list management.
  • Advanced Sales Tools

    • Manage reservation status, recoupment status, asset value and offer tiers for better sales prioritization.
    • Predefined searches and data delivery for BI and AI purposes.
  • Offer Creation and Pick Lists

    • Offer creation and tracking with EMA and EIDR support.
    • Generating pick lists and sales steering for simplified workflows.
  • Conflict & Overlaps Checks

    • Clear view of rights conflicts, restrictions, holdbacks and options.
  • Classical & VoD Rights Management

    • Track multi-territory, period, type of right, exclusivity and financial status.
    • Manage VoD-specific factors like language versions, subtitles, material and sound quality, and associated costs.

Centralized Contract and Rights Management

A Single Source for Tracking all Intellectual Property Assets and Contract Information.

Manage all intellectual property assets and contract information from a single centralized source. Streamline operations, optimize revenue streams, and uncover hidden opportunities with comprehensive management.

Manage contracts with precision and optimize sales opportunities through detailed financial insights and instant offer generation.

  • Permissions & Controls

    • Set granular permissions and deal visibility at the user level.
  • Connectors and Interfaces

    • Seamless internal and external integration with MAM systems, VoD platforms, accounting systems, and more for streamlined operations.
    • Automated workflows and data transfers enhance efficiency and accuracy across departments.
  • Comprehensive Reporting

    • Generate reports for contract statuses, deadlines, and financials, providing insights into sales, availability, and partner evaluations.
    • Detailed evaluations of contracts, productions, licenses, and company data.
  • Service Orders and Contracts

    • Robust management of material processing orders, including connections to MAM systems and material availability tracking.
    • Streamlined management of acquisition and sales contracts, invoicing, and VoD contractual obligations.
  • Detailed Financial and Delivery Management

    • In-depth financial management including cost and revenue allocation, management of various fees, and contract currency handling.
    • Automated deadline management and reminders to ensure effective and efficient contract fulfilment.
    • Optimization of payment schedules and effective cost controlling.
  • Additional Contract Processing

    • Integration with service orders and contracts for seamless material processing and fulfilment.
    • Customized reporting and interfaces to external/internal systems for enhanced connectivity.
    • Refreshment deals with automized reminders and suggestions for high volume VoD and fast channel utilization.
  • Holdbacks, Restrictions, and Options

    • Detailed management of holdbacks, restrictions, and options, including time dependencies and automatic reminders for precise rights management.
  • License Management

    • Structured management of licenses with detailed tracking of rights types, territories, and specific contract subjects.
    • Efficient planning tools with reminders and expected dates for rights openings and licensing details.
  • Sales Offers and Contracts

    • Automated, up-to-date availability checks for titles, rights, and materials to prepare offers.
    • Optimization tools including availability calculation, profitability analysis, and dynamic pricing.
    • Complete sales contract management, from status tracking to automatic rights fallback and performance analysis.
  • Dubbing Contracts

    • Comprehensive contract management for dubbing across titles, seasons, and episodes.
  • Acquisition Contracts

    • Centralized management of purchasing offers, editorial decisions, and planning options.
    • Full handling of rights, including contract terms such as options and blocking processing steps, and timely reminders.
    • Advanced management for single contracts, packages, and output deals, catering to extensive title scopes.